All alone in the Universe...By; Lynne Rae Perkins
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This book is about 2 girls, (They are BFF's) but when a new girl came... Debbie was all alone, and becoming lonely. First Maureen and Debbie was there, and then the girl. Now Maureen acts like I even don't exsists. When Debbie was left alone, and Maureen and the new girl went on vacations together...whrn they came back they spoke wierd words. It was it. They made the secret codes, without poor Debbie. Before, Debbie and Maureen even went swimming, sleepovers, boatriding, flower picking....and more BFF's stuff. Then it became wrong. It's all because of the new girl. Maureen always stays on the new girl's side, even though Debbie hates her. Debbie want to go back to the past. It was all the new girl's fault. Debbie and Maureen wasn't supposed to talk with her, niether playing with her. It can't be this way. Last timw Maureen and the new girl didn't even talk. But when I asked, she started to talk with Maureen, next day...the new girl talked to us...then she follows everywhere Debbie and Maureen goes, then... now she took her best friend. It's Debbie's turn to get her back. Debbie will make Maureen be with Debbie as BFF's again. Debbie askes, "Maureen, let's go to see and pick flowers, in the park! It's spring and..." Maureen replies, "No, sorry Debbie I promised to play with 'the new girl' only. She said that I can only play with her." I think it will be this way. then...Debbie went to the park. She saw Maureen and the new girl playing with the spingflowers. (I saw this kind of word in the book, but I think what I did is wrong. But it's still this kind...) I ever had this experience. In my old school, I was a best friend witha girl named Hyun Jo. We were best friends from 1st grade. Bur when it was 5th grade, 2 new girls came. One new girl, named SuJin never cared about me and what I do, but YouJin, she also like HyunJo. She first said hi, and we said hi, and the next day she taliked with us, and the next day she followed everywhere I and HyunJo went, and then she listened or wanted to know evertihng I did. Then we also had a fight about HyunJo. But after I heard this word, I went, I meant felt like dying. YouJin said, "You don't know about Hyun Jo! she said that I am her best friend when she was 5th grade! She hates you...!" Of course I replied, "So, but you never knowed HyunJo before, and I was her best friend...from 1st grade." Then I aske dHyunjo, and she said that she never did... But later Hyunjo sent a message to me, that said, "EoJin, I know you hate Youjin but I like youjin too. so let's do this way. I will play with you on tuesdays and thursdays, but the other days with Youjin. I bet you will agree. bye." Adn then another message from YouJin...."Now is my turn to have Hyunjo, and you have to be kind to lend hyunjo as always you were kind." And I got mad, I never played with those 2 guys again. And I even moved school. (pls. don't think that I moved school because of them...)
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